
93% of Businesses Using AI Are Open to a 4 Day Week

  • 93% of businesses using AI are open to a 4 day working week
  • Millennials and Gen X senior leadership are more open to a 4 day work week than Baby Boomers
  • Only 41% of businesses that have never used AI are open to a four-day working week

New survey data from’s Impact of Technology on the Workplace report has revealed that 93% of businesses using AI are open to a 4 day work week.

The survey of 1047 US business leaders found that organizations where AI plays a central role are more open to a 4 day work week or have already implemented it. In contrast, only 41% of businesses that don’t use AI are open to a four-day working week.

These new insights suggest that artificial intelligence could be the secret to successfully implementing a 4 day working week in 2024

Openness towards a four-day working week also depends significantly on age range.’s report found that 65% of Millennial and Gen X senior leadership would consider implementing a 4 day work week or have already implemented it, while only 45% of Baby Boomer senior leadership felt the same.

Combining AI with a shortened work week can have a positive impact on both employee wellbeing and productivity.’s findings highlight that 72% of business leaders who use AI extensively report high organizational productivity, and 59% of senior leaders using AI claim it’s had a positive impact on their organization’s job satisfaction. It therefore comes as no surprise that businesses embracing this productivity-boosting technology are more open to the idea of a 4 day working week.’s Editor, Jennifer Mcllveen comments: “As more businesses harness tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard to streamline processes and handle administrative duties, these responses unearth exciting insights about AI’s potential to drive up productivity. They also demonstrate how this surplus productivity can be used to benefit workers and not just business owners, by freeing up leisure time and bringing concepts like the 4 day workweek closer to reality. 

While these benefits won’t be felt by all businesses evenly, given a 4 day workweek remains unobtainable for many service businesses and those requiring 24/7 coverage, these findings support the case for AI optimism. The technology should be depicted less as a job-replacer and more as an aid to healthier, flexible working lifestyles.”

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